Over the 1960s and 1970s, the use of new biocides (often of poor quality) as a weapon against micro-organisms in food production and health care was widespread until the 1980s. When it was proved that these new biocides caused serious biological and environmental damage, global action has been taken to strictly prohibit the use of these toxic chemicals. Nevertheless, some of the new biocides have remained on the market, such as formaldehyde and its derivatives (removed from medical use because recognized as a cause of asthma and cancer)
WT.International® has been actively working towards testing the potential of its flagship product, An-Eco® as a chlorine substitute, which is the most effective and the most widely used disinfectant for more than one century, contributing to the elimination of many dangerous diseases caused by population growth and poor living conditions. However, it has been demonstrated that chlorine combined with organic matter produces dangerous products, such as chloramines, carcinogens or products with serious side effects for which the widespread use of this chemical is not allowed for safety or environment measures.
An-Eco® is used as an alternative method of water treatment in commercial and industrial applications, including human waste treatment and oil exploration, ensuring that watercourses and the environment have not been contaminated at the source.
An-Eco®, is a mixture of brine and electrolyzed water, which has been developed by WT.International® to provide a unique biochemical fluid with electrochemically activated water. An-Eco® is biodegradable. The resulting beneficial effects and the disinfecting power of chlorine, which is free of dangerous side effects, be they toxic or not, for humans, animals and the environment make it harmful neither for the fauna nor for the flora.
WT.International® has also developed the technology and experience needed to keep the product stable and active for a storage period of 18 to 24 months, making it an ideal product for cold sterilization in the food industry, health, with excellent sporicidal, fungicidal, and bactericidal all together capacities.
1. Horse serum 0.03%;
2. Sporicidal test 1% of horse serum and BS EN 1275/1276 of horse serum;
Test conducted at HIRL, Dudley Road, Birmingham, Don Whitley Scientific Ltd., Shipley, West Yorkshire.
An-Eco®, different uses identified in the hospital sector:
• Hard surface treatments;
• Hygiene of the staff (hand washing, …);
• Soaking and drainage tool;
• Decontamination of endoscopes and washing machines;
• Décontamination des dépôts d’eau et des conduites ;
• Decontamination of water deposits and pipes;
• Secondary disinfectant according to EN15883 / HTM 01;
• Podiatry – washing tools and washing the foot;
• Radiology: cleaning of rigid surfaces and ultrasonic decontamination;
• Decontamination of medical equipment;
• Washing of beds and wheelchairs [compatible with most dishwashers in Europe]
• Pre-treatment of bed linen;
• Nebulization of clean areas – as part of a deep cleaning or rapid decontamination;
• Biofilm removal techniques in endoscopes and dental equipment